Jay Prakash
Silence Laboratories
Website: https://www.silencelaboratories.com/
Silence Laboratories, a privacy technology and infrastructure company based in Singapore, provides algorithms and product suites using distributed computation and authorization technologies, particularly multi-party computation (MPC).
Silence Laboratories (SL) boasts one of the fastest threshold signatures and authorization libraries in production, safeguarding digital assets worth billions. SL’s libraries and infrastructure enable enterprises to collaborate on data without transferring it to a trusted party, thereby opening avenues for monetization and the development of innovative products. With partners across various sectors including finance, digital assets, and data industries, SL is creating a data-sharing and computation ecosystem where consent and privacy-preserving analysis are mathematically coupled, ensuring compliance and security. SL is a preferred choice by enterprises owing to its developer-friendly libraries and application-agnostic privacy-preserving collaboration tools.