Valentina Ranghetti
I was born in Milano, in 1990 and I have a MSc in business administration and management at Bocconi University, with experience abroad in the USA and Canada.
Starting working in Roche in 2014, I grew up professionally experiencing roles in finance, credit department, portfolio management, pricing and market access in Roche Pharma Italy.
I moved to Switzerland with my family in 2019, covering different roles in finance and strategic insights. I am currently working as a finance enterprise partner and as owner of some initiatives running in the customer engagement team (e.g. Data clean room).
In my childhood I dreamed of being a doctor, however as I am super scared about blood, surgery and whatever is going in that direction I changed my direction towards being part of industries that are driving innovation and investing in R&D. I strongly believe in the purpose of Roche, doing what patients need next, and I am trying to live it as a value in my everyday life.
I live in Basel with my family and during my spare time I love being with my partner and enjoying my little one growing up, spending time with friends and finding a good place to have dinner or enjoy a good glass of wine, discovering food and flower markets. Travel is another big passion that I hope will restart very soon and collect memories all around the world to decorate our place.

Chloe Cina
Chloe Cina, a barrister and leading international financial sanctions expert. She is the Head of Global Sanctions Advisory at Deutsche Bank. Her work includes advising on complex cross-border investigations, enforcement, high profile transactions and sanctions compliance, particularly in the context of Russia, Iran and humanitarian aid. She’s recognised by international organisations, regulators, and the private sector for her thought leadership and legal advisory work. She worked for United Nations. At the Foreign Office she was in the National Security team where she led the Iran nuclear legal team for the UK. At HSBC she was the UK Head of Sanctions.

Branislav Aleksic

Ghaith Bakdash PhD
Ghaith Bakdash is an immunologist with broad experience ranging from immune oncology to autoimmune disease and mucosal immunology. Following his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, his interest in translational research led him to a post-doc position at Radboud University Medical Cetner in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where he contributed to the development of dendritic cell-based cancer vaccines. Later, he joined GSK as an investigator in the Respiratory Therapy Area, where he was participating in the development of new modalities to induce immune tolerance in the context of allergy and asthma. Currently, he is an Associate Director at Microbiotica, where he is leading the efforts of the Cell Biology team in live bacterial therapies development by elucidating the interactions between these therapeutic bacteria and host cells in the context of cancer and ulcerative colitis.