Katinka de Balogh
Katinka de Balogh graduate as veterinarian from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Germany and holds a doctorate in tropical parasitology and specializations in tropical animal production and health and veterinary public health. She worked as District Veterinary Officer in rural Zambia and held positions at the WHO and at veterinary faculties in Zambia, Mozambique and the Netherlands. Since 2002, she works for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and presently at the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific as Senior Animal Health and Production Officer, secretary of the FAO Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific and focal point for antimicrobial resistance and FAO/OIE/WHO Tripartite collaboration in the region.

Ian McConnel

Mauricio Umana

Floris Engelhardt

Giuseppe Ronzitti

Saba Ghassemi

Christopher Locher

Matthew Fuller

Ryan Crisman