Raymond Luke
Director, MSAT
Verismo Therapeutics

Stefania Gobessi
Director, Discovery
Gadeta BV

Lucia Poncette
Director, TCR Discovery
T-Knife Therapeutics
Lucia is T-knife‘s Director TCR discovery and is one of its founding scientists. She studied Human Biology in Marburg and Toowoomba (Australia) and obtained a doctor’s degree in tumor immunology from the Free University of Berlin followed by a PostDoc at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin. For the last 10 years Lucia has studied T cell receptors and their application in the treatment of cancer. At T-knife Lucia oversees the early development and characterization of T cell receptors using T-knife‘s proprietary myT platform.

Breanna DiAndreth
Scientist II
A2 Biotherapeutics

Pete Smith
Myrio Tx