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Innovation Showcase Finalists

Franco Costantini


Franco Costantini


Franco Costantini


Shawn Frederick

Senior Director, Medical Sciences

Shawn Frederick

Senior Director, Medical Sciences

Shawn Frederick

Senior Director, Medical Sciences

Laura Yecies

CEO & Founder
Bone Health Technologies

Laura Yecies is the CEO of Bone Health Technologies, maker of OsteoBoost, the first effective and safe non-drug treatment for low bone density.  Previously she was CEO of SyncThink a medical diagnostic company, Catch, which she sold to Apple and SugarSync which was acquired by J2Global.  Earlier she led the Browser division at Netscape, was general manager of Yahoo Mail and VP of Marketing at Check Point.  Ms.

Laura Yecies

CEO & Founder
Bone Health Technologies

Laura Yecies

CEO & Founder
Bone Health Technologies

Laura Yecies is the CEO of Bone Health Technologies, maker of OsteoBoost, the first effective and safe non-drug treatment for low bone density.  Previously she was CEO of SyncThink a medical diagnostic company, Catch, which she sold to Apple and SugarSync which was acquired by J2Global.  Earlier she led the Browser division at Netscape, was general manager of Yahoo Mail and VP of Marketing at Check Point.  Ms. Yecies has led commercialization and product development programs that have resulted in the use by over 350m customers.  She received her MBA from Harvard, has an MSFS from Georgetown and her AB in Government Magna Cum Laude from Dartmouth.   She has been profiled in the NYTimes and multiple periodicals and is a prolific speaker and writer on health care and technology.


Shivam Bharuka

Software Production Engineer

Shivam is an engineering leader with Meta as part of the AI Infrastructure team for the last three years. During this time, he has helped scale the machine learning training infrastructure at Meta to support large scale ranking and recommendation models, serving more than a billion users.

Shivam Bharuka

Software Production Engineer

Shivam Bharuka

Software Production Engineer

Shivam is an engineering leader with Meta as part of the AI Infrastructure team for the last three years. During this time, he has helped scale the machine learning training infrastructure at Meta to support large scale ranking and recommendation models, serving more than a billion users. He is responsible for driving performance, reliability, and efficiency-oriented designs across the components of the ML training stack at Meta. Shivam holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Diana Marculescu

Professor & Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas

Diana Marculescu is Department Chair, Cockrell Family Chair for Engineering Leadership #5, and Professor, Motorola Regents Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering #2, at the University of Texas at Austin.

Prior to joining UT Austin in December 2019, she was the David Edward Schramm Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Founding Director of the College of Engineering Center for Faculty Success (2015-2019) and has served as Associate Department Head for Academic Affairs in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2014-2018), all at Carnegie Mellon University.

Diana Marculescu

Professor & Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas

Diana Marculescu

Professor & Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas

Diana Marculescu is Department Chair, Cockrell Family Chair for Engineering Leadership #5, and Professor, Motorola Regents Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering #2, at the University of Texas at Austin.

Prior to joining UT Austin in December 2019, she was the David Edward Schramm Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Founding Director of the College of Engineering Center for Faculty Success (2015-2019) and has served as Associate Department Head for Academic Affairs in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2014-2018), all at Carnegie Mellon University.

She received the Dipl.Ing. degree in computer science from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (1991), and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (1998). Her research interests include energy- and reliability-aware computing, hardware aware machine learning, and computing for sustainability and natural science applications.

Diana was a recipient of the National Science Foundation Faculty Career Award (2000-2004), the ACM SIGDA Technical Leadership Award (2003), the Carnegie Institute of Technology George Tallman Ladd Research Award (2004), and several best paper awards. She was an IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer (2004-2005) and the Chair of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Design Automation (2005-2009). Diana chaired several conferences and symposia in her area and is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers. She was selected as an ELATE Fellow (2013-2014), and is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (2013-2017), the Marie R. Pistilli Women in EDA Achievement Award (2014), and the Barbara Lazarus Award from Carnegie Mellon University (2018). Diana is a Fellow of ACM and IEEE.