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ESG EU 2022 Testimonial 2

It was great to attend an in-person event with business risk leaders. This allowed for a good consensus of opinion into the current thinking around climate risk and how businesses are embedding this into both ESG and wider sustainable thinking, as well as some great collaborative conversations via the networking sessions that were both insightful and constructive for future conversations. I look forward to attending the next event and recommending their US event to my international colleagues!


Pavle Avramović

Emerging Tech & Research
Financial Conduct Authority

Pavle leads the Emerging Technologies Hub at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). He focuses on providing insights and thought leadership on how emerging technologies could impact financial services markets, consumers and regulators. His areas of focus include quantum computing, privacy enhancing technologies, synthetic data and distributed ledger technologies.

Previously he was closely involved in FCA’s efforts across RegTech and SupTech, including the TechSprint work programme. He also leads the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) Horizon Scanning Workstream and is a member of the World Economic Forum Quantum Security Working Group.

He holds a MSc in Digital Innovation and Information Systems from the London School of Economics and is an Industrial Fellow at the University of East London. He has co-authored papers for the Harvard Data Science Review, Alan Turing Institute and other organisations, including presenting at major conferences and research seminars.


Pavle Avramović

Emerging Tech & Research
Financial Conduct Authority

Pavle leads the Emerging Technologies Hub at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). He focuses on providing insights and thought leadership on how emerging technologies could impact financial services markets, consumers and regulators. His areas of focus include quantum computing, privacy enhancing technologies, synthetic data and distributed ledger technologies.

Previously he was closely involved in FCA’s efforts across RegTech and SupTech, including the TechSprint work programme. He also leads the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) Horizon Scanning Workstream and is a member of the World Economic Forum Quantum Security Working Group.

He holds a MSc in Digital Innovation and Information Systems from the London School of Economics and is an Industrial Fellow at the University of East London. He has co-authored papers for the Harvard Data Science Review, Alan Turing Institute and other organisations, including presenting at major conferences and research seminars.


ESG EU 2022 Testimonial 1

As a professional actively working in the climate risk management space in financial services specifically, it was an incredibly well curated summit encompassing all the complicated components of E, S and G.  The panelists and speakers did a great job of bringing each component together despite the complexities that exist when trying to digest ESG as a whole. It was insightful to hear some very different perspectives and starting points in different firms' 'ESG' journeys. 

Understandably, privacy-enhancing technologies are often viewed exclusively as a privacy tool. This panel will discuss whether this is too narrow an assessment that fails to account for the role PETs can play in both the development and maintenance of an agile and innovative data strategy.

  • Bridging the perceived divide between privacy and data teams
  • Assessing whether PETs can be used as a foundational tool for a variety of different purposes
  • PETs as a means to achieve data protection by design and default


Marc Marrero

Privacy Manager
Copper Technologies

Marc Marrero

Privacy Manager
Copper Technologies


Joanne Biggadike

Deputy Head of Data UK
DUAL Group

Joanne Biggadike

Deputy Head of Data UK
DUAL Group


Adrian Leung

Group Data Protection Officer
Equifax UK

Adrian Leung

Group Data Protection Officer
Equifax UK

With a litany of technologies available, it is not enough to just identify potential use cases- it is vital to then apply the right technology or combination of technologies to the build a solution. This panel will discuss how to achieve the right mix and which challenges will be encountered along the way.

  • Collaborating with data science teams to ensure the technology delivers as promised and is stress tested in a variety of situations
  • Understanding what vendor offerings look like and effectively determining which potential provider is most appropriate
  • Discussing who needs to know what when it comes to the technical capability of PETs vs their business potential.


Ryan Lasmaili

Co-Founder & CEO

Ryan has since childhood been fascinated by technology breakthroughs from space travel to EnviroTech, and in the last 12 years he has been involved with technology startups developing solutions to major problems. Ryan’s background is in financial mathematics with a passion for astrophysics and economics, having also worked in corporate environments in roles ranging from project manager to senior analyst, reporting to executives in listed multinationals. Ryan is always looking for ways to improve and apply his out of the box thinking to solving major cybersecurity problems with his biggest undertaking to date solving today’s and tomorrow’s data encryption & protection challenges.


Ryan Lasmaili

Co-Founder & CEO

Ryan has since childhood been fascinated by technology breakthroughs from space travel to EnviroTech, and in the last 12 years he has been involved with technology startups developing solutions to major problems. Ryan’s background is in financial mathematics with a passion for astrophysics and economics, having also worked in corporate environments in roles ranging from project manager to senior analyst, reporting to executives in listed multinationals. Ryan is always looking for ways to improve and apply his out of the box thinking to solving major cybersecurity problems with his biggest undertaking to date solving today’s and tomorrow’s data encryption & protection challenges.



James Robson

Data Protection Officer
What Works for Children's Social Care

James Robson

Data Protection Officer
What Works for Children's Social Care


Nigel Smart

KU Leuven

Smart received a BSc degree in mathematics from the University of Reading in 1989 and his PhD degree from the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1992. Smart proceeded to work as a research fellow at the University of Kent, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Cardiff University until 1995. From 1995 to 1997, he was a lecturer at the University of Kent, and then spent three years at Hewlett-Packard from 1997 to 2000. From 2000 to 2017 he was at the University of Bristol, where he founded the cryptology research group. From 2018 he has been based in the COSIC group at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Smart held a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (2008-2013), and two ERC Advanced Grant (2011-2016 and 2016-2021). He was a director of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (2012-2014), and was elected Vice President for the period 2014-2016. In 2016 he was named as a Fellow of the IACR.

Smart carries out research on a wide variety of topics in cryptography. Smart is known for his work in elliptic curve cryptography. He has also worked on pairing-based cryptography contributing a number of algorithms such as the SK-KEM and the Ate-pairing. His work with Gentry and Halevi on performing the first large calculation using Fully Homomorphic Encryption won the IBM Pat Goldberg Best Paper Award for 2012. In the last decade he has worked on making secure multiparty computation practical.

In addition to his three years at HP Laboratories, Smart was a founder of the startup Identum, which was bought by Trend Micro in 2008. In 2013 he formed, with Yehuda Lindell, Unbound Security, a company deploying products based on multi-party computations. He is also the co-founder, along with Kenny Paterson, of the Real World Cryptography conference series.

Nigel Smart

KU Leuven

Smart received a BSc degree in mathematics from the University of Reading in 1989 and his PhD degree from the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1992. Smart proceeded to work as a research fellow at the University of Kent, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Cardiff University until 1995. From 1995 to 1997, he was a lecturer at the University of Kent, and then spent three years at Hewlett-Packard from 1997 to 2000. From 2000 to 2017 he was at the University of Bristol, where he founded the cryptology research group. From 2018 he has been based in the COSIC group at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Smart held a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (2008-2013), and two ERC Advanced Grant (2011-2016 and 2016-2021). He was a director of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (2012-2014), and was elected Vice President for the period 2014-2016. In 2016 he was named as a Fellow of the IACR.

Smart carries out research on a wide variety of topics in cryptography. Smart is known for his work in elliptic curve cryptography. He has also worked on pairing-based cryptography contributing a number of algorithms such as the SK-KEM and the Ate-pairing. His work with Gentry and Halevi on performing the first large calculation using Fully Homomorphic Encryption won the IBM Pat Goldberg Best Paper Award for 2012. In the last decade he has worked on making secure multiparty computation practical.

In addition to his three years at HP Laboratories, Smart was a founder of the startup Identum, which was bought by Trend Micro in 2008. In 2013 he formed, with Yehuda Lindell, Unbound Security, a company deploying products based on multi-party computations. He is also the co-founder, along with Kenny Paterson, of the Real World Cryptography conference series.


Elena Mokretsova

Financial Crime Compliance Manager, Vice President

Elena has extensive international experience in Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering with global financial institutions with roles based in Switzerland, Spain, Mexico and Poland, with special interest in detecting money laundering patterns of Latin-American and Russian organized crime groups, as well as prevention of embezzlement of funds proceeding from public contracts.


In her current role with Banco Santander, she is responsible for leading Financial Crime Compliance team covering Sanctions Screening, Transaction Monitoring, Investigations and Periodic Reviews.


Elena Mokretsova

Financial Crime Compliance Manager, Vice President

Elena Mokretsova

Financial Crime Compliance Manager, Vice President

Elena has extensive international experience in Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering with global financial institutions with roles based in Switzerland, Spain, Mexico and Poland, with special interest in detecting money laundering patterns of Latin-American and Russian organized crime groups, as well as prevention of embezzlement of funds proceeding from public contracts.


In her current role with Banco Santander, she is responsible for leading Financial Crime Compliance team covering Sanctions Screening, Transaction Monitoring, Investigations and Periodic Reviews.


Prior to joining Santander Group in 2018 in Madrid, she was with Citigroup from 2009 until the end of 2017, covering the role of AML Global Investigation Unit Senior Compliance with Citi in Mexico as her last position, working on complex investigative projects on organized crime and corruption proceeds laundering in Latin American Region. Her main achievements in this role include development of investigative projects focused on detection of money laundering schemes used by Russian organized crime applied for Latin American drug-cartels and public embezzlement project aimed to identify corruption schemes in Construction sector in Mexico.


Before that, Elena was AML Quality Assurance Team Leader in Mexico and AML Subject Matter Expert (SME) for EMEA Region in Warsaw, as well with Citigroup. In the SME role in Poland, she was supporting the migration of the AML Operations processes for virtual units in Switzerland, Russia and Ukraine.


She graduated with a master’s degree in International Economics from Lazarski School of Commerce and Law based in Warsaw in 2009 and holds a bachelor’s degree in finance management from Higher School of Economics, Russia. Elena has Advanced AML Certification by International Compliance Association and collaborated for the book The Untold Stories of Financial Crime by Maurren Mutua. She is fluent in 6 languages, including her mother-tongue Russian, Spanish, Polish, English, Portuguese and French.

Restrictions on data usage and transfer vary significantly across the globe. Notable examples such as GDPR and CCPA garner headlines, but as efforts to regulate privacy proliferate globally organisations must adhere to an ever more fragmented series of rules. Could PETs help solve that challenge?

  • Determining what cross-border PET implementation looks like in practice
  • Understanding the regulatory perspective on PETs as a tool to build compliance for data in transit and use across borders
  • Understanding the necessary considerations to be made when forming both internal cross-border data sharing practices and external data sharing initiatives


Shashi Gowda


Shashi Gowda is CEO and co-founder of Devr and a member of its board of directors.  A seasoned technology leader and entrepreneur, Shashi brings over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications, big data and emerging tech industries.


Devr provides tools for enterprises to design and orchestrate data privacy, enabling rich open ecosystems for data monetization with continuous compliance.


Shashi champions advances in digital transformation, data privacy and continuous compliance using emerging technologies such as Blockchain and AI.  He is passionate about bringing technologies into highly regulated industries which enable them to innovate with data, in an era of growing privacy concerns, regulatory complexity, and high costs of non-compliance.


Before founding Devr, Shashi was CTO of Virtual Control and supported the sale of its AI and ML solutions to Agilent Technologies.  Prior to that, Shashi held various technology design and leadership roles, at both corporates and at early-stage companies, and has worked across Asia, Europe, and the US.


Shashi earned his bachelor’s degree in bio-medical engineering from Boston University.

Shashi Gowda


Shashi Gowda is CEO and co-founder of Devr and a member of its board of directors.  A seasoned technology leader and entrepreneur, Shashi brings over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications, big data and emerging tech industries.


Devr provides tools for enterprises to design and orchestrate data privacy, enabling rich open ecosystems for data monetization with continuous compliance.


Shashi champions advances in digital transformation, data privacy and continuous compliance using emerging technologies such as Blockchain and AI.  He is passionate about bringing technologies into highly regulated industries which enable them to innovate with data, in an era of growing privacy concerns, regulatory complexity, and high costs of non-compliance.


Before founding Devr, Shashi was CTO of Virtual Control and supported the sale of its AI and ML solutions to Agilent Technologies.  Prior to that, Shashi held various technology design and leadership roles, at both corporates and at early-stage companies, and has worked across Asia, Europe, and the US.


Shashi earned his bachelor’s degree in bio-medical engineering from Boston University.


Odvar Bjerkolt

Principal Lawyer - Data & Digital Transformation
BT Group

Odvar Bjerkolt

Principal Lawyer - Data & Digital Transformation
BT Group


John Bowman

Chief Privacy Office - AI Ethics Market Strategy Lead

John Bowman, joined IBM’s Chief Privacy Office in October 2022 with a primary mission to deliver client success and drive growth in IBM, including advising on enhancements to support regulatory compliance, helping to create a deployment framework, and commercialisation of select CPO assets.  Previously, John was a Senior Principal in Promontory, a Business Unit of IBM Consulting, having joined the company in 2014. John’s client engagements included managing privacy change programmes, preparing applications for Binding Corporate Rules, helping organisations prepare for regulatory audits, and advising on issues of risk, compliance, and public policy. Prior to joining Promontory, John worked at the UK Ministry of Justice where he was Head of EU and International Data Protection Policy. In this role, he served as the UK government’s lead negotiator on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). John served on the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) European Advisory Board 2019-2020 and has over 25 articles published on privacy-related topics.

John Bowman

Chief Privacy Office - AI Ethics Market Strategy Lead

John Bowman, joined IBM’s Chief Privacy Office in October 2022 with a primary mission to deliver client success and drive growth in IBM, including advising on enhancements to support regulatory compliance, helping to create a deployment framework, and commercialisation of select CPO assets.  Previously, John was a Senior Principal in Promontory, a Business Unit of IBM Consulting, having joined the company in 2014. John’s client engagements included managing privacy change programmes, preparing applications for Binding Corporate Rules, helping organisations prepare for regulatory audits, and advising on issues of risk, compliance, and public policy. Prior to joining Promontory, John worked at the UK Ministry of Justice where he was Head of EU and International Data Protection Policy. In this role, he served as the UK government’s lead negotiator on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). John served on the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) European Advisory Board 2019-2020 and has over 25 articles published on privacy-related topics.


Dr. June Brawner

Senior Policy Adviser for Data and Digital Technologies
The Royal Society

Dr. June Brawner is a policy advisor at The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of sciences. She leads the Society’s work on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) within the Data and AI policy team, which is developing policy and promoting debate that helps the UK safely and rapidly realise the growing benefits of data science and digital technologies.

June’s career in academic and policy research spans the US, UK, and Central / Eastern Europe, with a focus on environmental data for policymaking.  Prior to her current role she worked as a research consultant and has previously completed fellowships with the Fulbright Commission and Columbia University’s Council for European Studies.

As an anthropologist, June is especially interested in the ‘social life’ of data: the cultural and political factors that hinder or promote the equitable use of data for research, innovation, and decision-making. To this end, she sees upholding the right to privacy as a key technical and social challenge in using data for societal benefit.

Dr. June Brawner

Senior Policy Adviser for Data and Digital Technologies
The Royal Society

Dr. June Brawner is a policy advisor at The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of sciences. She leads the Society’s work on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) within the Data and AI policy team, which is developing policy and promoting debate that helps the UK safely and rapidly realise the growing benefits of data science and digital technologies.

June’s career in academic and policy research spans the US, UK, and Central / Eastern Europe, with a focus on environmental data for policymaking.  Prior to her current role she worked as a research consultant and has previously completed fellowships with the Fulbright Commission and Columbia University’s Council for European Studies.

As an anthropologist, June is especially interested in the ‘social life’ of data: the cultural and political factors that hinder or promote the equitable use of data for research, innovation, and decision-making. To this end, she sees upholding the right to privacy as a key technical and social challenge in using data for societal benefit.

Privacy- enhancing technologies have been demonstrated as technically effective- but that is not enough. Their implementation requires resource allocation, both in terms of acquiring the technology and subsequently monitoring it.

  • Establishing how PETs can deliver additional business value through unlocking previously inaccessible data
  • Practical first-hand examples successfully identifying relevant use cases, establishing proof of concept and seeing tangible return upon implementation
  • Learning how to quantifiably measure that return over time and assess the need for potential amendments or new areas of application


Dr. Walden “Wally” Rhines

President & CEO

WALDEN C. RHINES is President & CEO of Cornami. He is also CEO Emeritus of Mentor, a Siemens business, focusing on external communications and customer relations. He was previously CEO of Mentor Graphics for 23 years and Chairman of the Board for 17 years. During his tenure at Mentor, revenue nearly quadrupled and market value of the company increased 10X.

Prior to joining Mentor Graphics, Dr. Rhines was Executive Vice President, Semiconductor Group, responsible for TI’s worldwide semiconductor business. During his 21 years at TI, he was President of the Data Systems Group and held numerous other semiconductor executive management positions.

Dr. Rhines has served on the boards of Cirrus Logic, QORVO, TriQuint Semiconductor, Global Logic and as Chairman of the Electronic Design Automation Consortium (five two-year terms) and is currently a director. He is also a board member of the Semiconductor Research Corporation and First Growth Children & Family Charities. He is a Lifetime Fellow of the IEEE and has served on the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark College, the National Advisory Board of the University of Michigan and Industrial Committees advising Stanford University and the University of Florida.

Dr. Rhines holds a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from the University of Michigan, a Master of Science and PhD in materials science and engineering from Stanford University, a master of Business Administration from Southern Methodist University and Honorary Doctor of Technology degrees from the University of Florida and Nottingham Trent University.

Dr. Walden “Wally” Rhines

President & CEO

WALDEN C. RHINES is President & CEO of Cornami. He is also CEO Emeritus of Mentor, a Siemens business, focusing on external communications and customer relations. He was previously CEO of Mentor Graphics for 23 years and Chairman of the Board for 17 years. During his tenure at Mentor, revenue nearly quadrupled and market value of the company increased 10X.

Prior to joining Mentor Graphics, Dr. Rhines was Executive Vice President, Semiconductor Group, responsible for TI’s worldwide semiconductor business. During his 21 years at TI, he was President of the Data Systems Group and held numerous other semiconductor executive management positions.

Dr. Rhines has served on the boards of Cirrus Logic, QORVO, TriQuint Semiconductor, Global Logic and as Chairman of the Electronic Design Automation Consortium (five two-year terms) and is currently a director. He is also a board member of the Semiconductor Research Corporation and First Growth Children & Family Charities. He is a Lifetime Fellow of the IEEE and has served on the Board of Trustees of Lewis and Clark College, the National Advisory Board of the University of Michigan and Industrial Committees advising Stanford University and the University of Florida.

Dr. Rhines holds a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from the University of Michigan, a Master of Science and PhD in materials science and engineering from Stanford University, a master of Business Administration from Southern Methodist University and Honorary Doctor of Technology degrees from the University of Florida and Nottingham Trent University.


Lawrence Lundy-Bryan

Partner, Research
Lunar Ventures

Lawrence is a deep tech researcher and investor. He is a Partner for Research at Lunar Ventures, a deep tech venture fund where he focuses on horizon scanning. He developed stateofthefuture.xyz, a deep tech tracker, monitoring over 100+ technologies, and writes weekly stateofthefuture.substack.com. He published an investment thesis on privacy-enhancing technologies in 2021. He has previously advised the UK Government, EU Commission, and World Economic Forum on emerging technologies. 

Lawrence Lundy-Bryan

Partner, Research
Lunar Ventures

Lawrence is a deep tech researcher and investor. He is a Partner for Research at Lunar Ventures, a deep tech venture fund where he focuses on horizon scanning. He developed stateofthefuture.xyz, a deep tech tracker, monitoring over 100+ technologies, and writes weekly stateofthefuture.substack.com. He published an investment thesis on privacy-enhancing technologies in 2021. He has previously advised the UK Government, EU Commission, and World Economic Forum on emerging technologies. 


Robin Smith

Head, Cyber and Information Security
Aston Martin

Robin Smith

Head, Cyber and Information Security
Aston Martin


Nick New


Founded Optalysys in 2013 with twenty years experience in Fourier optical processing, having previously spun Cambridge Correlators Ltd. out of the University of Cambridge from technology developed during PhD in Optical Pattern Recognition.

Nick New


Founded Optalysys in 2013 with twenty years experience in Fourier optical processing, having previously spun Cambridge Correlators Ltd. out of the University of Cambridge from technology developed during PhD in Optical Pattern Recognition.


Adrelia Allen

Sr. Director, Clinical Trial Patient Diversity

Adrelia is a 23-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry working in sales and clinical research at Merck.  She has held positions of increasing experience as a Clinical Research Associate, Clinical Trial Project Manager, and Clinical Research Manager.  She is currently, the Senior Director of Clinical Trial Patient Diversity where she leads a team of clinical trial operations experts focused on promoting inclusive research practices to support the enrollment of diverse patients in Merck clinical trials.  She is responsible for the execution and strategy implementation for clinical trial

Adrelia Allen

Sr. Director, Clinical Trial Patient Diversity

Adrelia Allen

Sr. Director, Clinical Trial Patient Diversity

Adrelia is a 23-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry working in sales and clinical research at Merck.  She has held positions of increasing experience as a Clinical Research Associate, Clinical Trial Project Manager, and Clinical Research Manager.  She is currently, the Senior Director of Clinical Trial Patient Diversity where she leads a team of clinical trial operations experts focused on promoting inclusive research practices to support the enrollment of diverse patients in Merck clinical trials.  She is responsible for the execution and strategy implementation for clinical trial processes, resources, and training to help drive inclusion and access across our clinical trial portfolio.  Due to her commitment and determination to drive greater representation in clinical trials, Adrelia was recently selected as one of the 100 Most Inspiring People in the life sciences sponsored by PharmaVoice.

Adrelia earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the College of Pharmacy at Florida A&M University.  She is a registered Pharmacist and a certified Project Management Professional.