Breaking down the barriers: problem solving roundtable discussions
In groups, participants will share best practices and insight to address a series of challenges facing PETs adopters. Attendees will take part in one discussion from round A and one from round B.
Round A
- Dealing with internal pushback. With Charlie Hee Shing Chye, Deloitte
- Which PET is right for you? With Ryan Lasmaili, Co-Founder & CEO, Vaultree
- Building the business case. With Tim Scott, Director, Privacy Enhancing Technology, Deloitte

Ryan Lasmaili
Ryan has since childhood been fascinated by technology breakthroughs from space travel to EnviroTech, and in the last 12 years he has been involved with technology startups developing solutions to major problems. Ryan’s background is in financial mathematics with a passion for astrophysics and economics, having also worked in corporate environments in roles ranging from project manager to senior analyst, reporting to executives in listed multinationals. Ryan is always looking for ways to improve and apply his out of the box thinking to solving major cybersecurity problems with his biggest undertaking to date solving today’s and tomorrow’s data encryption & protection challenges.

Charlie Hee Shing Chye
Charlie is a Director with Deloitte SEA Risk Advisory, leading the Data & Privacy practice with more than 32 years of industry experience, with 18 years in Cyber Security specializing in advisory and implementation of Data Loss Prevention and Data Governance solutions. Charlie focus in Deloitte is to evangelize the adoption of different technologies such as Privacy Enhancing Technology and Data Loss Prevention Technology to keep data safe from theft or lost. Prior to Deloitte, Charlie had worked for Reuter Consulting & Symantec Consulting as Managing Principal and Head of Emerging Technology for Asia Pacific & Japan respectively. Over his 32 years experience, Charlie had founded two companies in 2000 and 2008. One of the companies specialising in providing Cyber Security Professional Services to Financial Services Industry and Government clients. This company was subsequently bought over by a $50b Multi-National Corporation.

Tim Scott
Tim is a Director with Deloitte APAC’s Risk Advisory, leading the Privacy Enhancing Technology (“PET”) practice. He leads a cross disciplinary team that sits at the intersect of data science, data collaboration and data privacy. With a focus on helping his clients to understand, evaluate and implement PET’s. Specialising in fully homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, synthetic data and zero-knowledge proof and their applicability in solving real world challenges. He has been actively involved in the PET’s community for the last 6 years and before joining Deloitte was Head of Strategic Engagements with an Australian listed start-up focused on the secure data collaboration space.