One of the biggest challenges in the US is managing the cost of healthcare. Although we have high healthcare costs in the US, our life expectancy is still average. In this talk we will look at some of the core causes of healthcare costs and what modern AI hardware can do to lower these costs. We will see that faster and bigger GPUs alone will not save us. We need detailed models to across a wide swath of our communities and perform early interventions. We need accurate models of our world and the ability to simulate the impact of policy changes to overall healthcare costs. We need new MIMD hardware with cores and memory architecture that keep cores fed with the right data.

Dan McCreary
Dan is a distinguished engineer in AI working on innovative database architectures including document and graph databases. He has a strong background in semantics, ontologies, NLP and search. He is a hands-on architect and like to build his own pilot applications using new technologies. Dan started the NoSQL Now! Conference (now called the Database Now! Conferences). He also co-authored the book Making Sense of NoSQL, one of the highest rated books on Amazon on the topic of NoSQL. Dan worked at Bell Labs as a VLSI circuit designer where he worked with Brian Kernighan (of K&R C). Dan also worked with Steve Jobs at NeXT Computer.